Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We woke up this morning to snow and ice so NO SCHOOL FOR US TODAY!! We all slept in and are having a lazy day at home today. Here are a couple pictures of the boys eating their pancakes (a special treat on snow days). Samuel loves, Loves, LOVES whipped cream on his and went a little overboard. When they get outside and play in the snow, I'll post more pictures.

On a different note, Samuel made his First Reconciliation on Sunday night. He was so nervous but did great. He wrote down what he wanted to say in case he got nervous and forgot what to say but I told him he could also say anything else he wanted to once he was in there with the priest. He was really happy when he came out and said it really wasn't that hard. He was bummed that he couldn't take his candle home with him that night but I think they get them on Wednesday at their class so he is fine with that. We're proud of you Samuel!!

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