Saturday, May 30, 2009

The end of the year crunch

Yesterday we had Fun Day at our school. Let me tell you up front that no teacher looks forward to fun day (except for maybe those new teachers who don't know any better). We spend the whole day outside doing various events. The kids had a blast running and screaming all day but the teachers and assistants were so tired after the day. I got a text from my team teacher and one of my assistants telling me they were about to drop and that their legs were so tired.

Shaun was nice enough to take me out to eat so I wouldn't have to come home and cook. I was so tired I was falling asleep at the table if I stopped moving around and shaking my head. The boys had swimming lessons yesterday evening but Shaun dropped me off at the house so I could go on to bed. Thanks, honey!

There is still so much to do before the end of the school year. June is going to be one hectic month!
* Today the gang is coming for game night so I have to get this place straightened back up and food prepared.
* Tomorrow is my mother in law, Marge's, birthday so I have to plan the meal for that and get food ready for that in addition to going back home for Sunday dinner with my family (who I haven't been to visit for at least a month).
* Next week is the last week of school so progress reports have to go out and our end of the year party is on Thursday.
* I have to get the classroom pack up so they can move it to the new room (with a potty in it, yea, finally after 9 years).
* The 2nd week of June, off to Gatlinburg with the Hacienda gang (some fellow preschool staff).
* The 3rd week of June - off to Louisville for the Early Childhood Conference
* The 4th week of June - off to Pennsylvania for Molly's graduation party and visit with Shaun's family up there.
I can't wait until July when I can just sit up at the pool and do nothing!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I think I can.... I think I can....

I feel like the Little Engine That Could during these last few days of school. I walk around saying.... I think I can.... I think I can.... I think I can.... I think I can. I'm starting to believe it. ONLY 6 MORE DAYS. Just think, after tomorrow, we will be able to count it on one hand!!
I think I can...

Friday, May 22, 2009

It has been a crazy week!!

Oh me, oh my! It has been crazy around here.

1. We had a bird get in our bedroom wall. We finally figured out we needed to do something and that it was in the wall when these little bugs started coming in our room. We knew it had to have something to do with the bird because the bugs were on the side of the room where we heard the bird. Anyway, I stayed home on Monday and called the Orkin man. He verified that the bugs were bird bugs, also knows as bird mites. SO GROSS!!. We found out the hard way that they also bite humans and leave a mark like a mosquito bite (and itch like them too). Well, when he said he wasn't going to treat it the same day, I almost lost it. Ok, I'll tell the truth. I did lose it. I started crying and kind of yelled at him that had I known he wouldn't do anything today, I would have called other companies and whoever agreed to treat it would get my money. Must have scared him or at the very least made him uncomfortable, but it worked and he stayed and treated the room. We have only seen 2 more alive so I'm going to have him come back and treat it again just to be safe. LESSON LEARNED - if you hear or see birds coming and going anywhere on your house, take care of it immediately. DON'T WAIT. We thought that the bird was in the gutter and had babies. We didn't want to kill them so thought we would wait until they flew away. We should have checked it out earlier and we would have seen it wasn't in the gutter but in the house instead. We did learn our lesson from this.

2. I took a personal day on Thursday so I could do more cleaning from the first bug bomb. Apparently my substitute was LATE, then LIED about when she got the call (said she was called that morning when actually the records showed that she was called the night before). She was wearing a mini dress and high heel boots.... to teach in a preschool class where 50% of the students have disabilities. HYSTERICAL. She was the talk of the school with what she was wearing. Anyway, after my morning class, she asked where the cafeteria was and left to get lunch. She never returned. NEVER! They searched all over the building for her and she was AWOL. Needless to say, she will not be subbing at TCE anytime soon. I laughed and laughed when they told me about her and that she felt like she had to sneak out and make a run for it. LESSON LEARNED - dress correctly for your job. And I will make a list of appropriate subs and request those people first!!

3. The last thing that happened, happened today. At dismissal, a relative of a student of mine was trying to hit on me in my classroom WITH THE STUDENTS RIGHT THERE. I was embarrassed and when I get embarrassed I start laughing hysterically. So there he was asking me if I was married, saying I looked like I was 21 (he looked like he was 18) and there I was laughing and laughing. My assistant had the funniest look on her face. Her eyes were huge like she couldn't believe he was saying that to me which made me laugh even more. I finally calmed down enough to tell him I thought I was a little old for him and that yes I was married. He couldn't believe I was almost 39. Then the funniest comment came out of his mouth. He said if he had to guess, he would guess that I was married to a black man. WHAT? How can you tell that by looking at someone. I guess you can imagine what I did. YEP, laugh even more. I thought I was going to pee my pants. LESSON LEARNED - I'm hot for an old broad (insert hysterical laughter here).

This has been one crazy week!! I'm still laughing from everything. How come crazy stuff always happens to me?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pics from Samuel's 1st Holy Communion

Here are some pictures from Samuel's 1st Holy Communion. He did great. He even waited until he was sitting before he made a face because he thought the bread and wine tasted terrible. He said the bread tasted like cardboard and the wine was disgusting. We are very proud of our little boy. He has waited for this day for so long.

Samuel before the service. Isn't he handsome in his little suit?

Samuel's class before the service.
He is squatting so we can see the kids behind him.

His banner that we made.

Father John (left) and Samuel on the day of his 1st Holy Communion.

His class and teachers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First Communion

This Sunday at 9:00, Samuel will make his First Communion. We are so proud of him and so excited for him. He acted like such a goofball tonight at the practice but when his turn came to practice what to do, he totally knew what to do.

We found the perfect suit for him. We have a really cute tie. Now for the shoes. Sneakers with a fancy suit just would not be appropriate. Gracious, who knew that shopping for a boy would be so difficult. Samuel already has rosary beads and a wooden cross for his room. So now the question is what to get Samuel for a gift. He, of course, would LOVE another Lego set but I'm not sure. We usually do a religious gift then another one that is small. The Lego set he picked out was definitely NOT small in either size or price. He sure knows how to use those eye lashes to try to get what he wants. Girls, beware when you are older!! I'll post some pics when we get them. We can't take pictures or videos during Mass so I'll have to scan in the professional pic that we ordered and I can post the before and after pictures.