Monday, March 23, 2009

My growing boys

Harrison is so excited. He went on his first over-night field trip today. The 4th grade is going to northern Ky the the 4-H camp for one night. This is all he could talk about the whole weekend. We finally got everything packed up last night. I'm sure he will be fine but he has never had an overnight trip without parents or at least close friends supervising. I can't wait to hear how it went and what fun he had. He is growing up, that is for sure. I'll post some pictures when if I get any from the trip.

Now for Samuel. He is turning into such as compassionate little boy. We had to have our sewer line replaced and it took the company a full week to come back and fill in holes in the yard. Anyway, the guy finally came back on Friday. I looked out and saw Samuel "helping" him shovel the dirt into the holes. What a sweetie!! He was so proud of himself. Sorry for the quality of the picture. I couldn't find my digital camera so this one it takes from the bathroom with my cell phone camera. I made it black and white because for some reason, color pictures all turn out blue!!