Sunday, January 30, 2011

Middle School Honors Band

This year was Harrison's first year to try out for the middle school Honors Band. Being a band director's son, he didn't really have the option to NOT try out for it. He auditioned on trumpet and baritone. He plays the trumpet in class and has learned to play the baritone just for fun at home. I am proud to say he was one of only a few to audition on 2 instruments. Long story short, he is the 2nd alternate on trumpet so he probably won't be called to play trumpet. However, he came in 3rd on baritone!!!! Not bad considering he was competing with all the middle school 6th graders in the county. He is so proud of himself. Here is a pic of us toasting the next night when we got the results. Don't worry, it is sparkling grape juice!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How did "HE" know I needed that?

I am constantly amazed at how I always get a "message" at just the right time. I can be having a terrible day and question the choices in my life and... BAM...I get a message that brings it all in perspective. The last couple of times I have read a particular friends quotes on FB (you know how you are little lady), it has been something that I NEEDED to read at that time. It has happened at least 3 times recently and happened again today at our faculty meeting.

I have been feeling really bad about my class and my choice of teaching in general. I always start feeling this way when I get overwhelmed. Today, we had a whole meeting about "getting over myself" and the feelings, hang-ups, etc that we all have that stand in our way. It was just what I needed to hear. Sometimes (OK, many times), I let my feelings get hurt or get angry at people and, let me tell you, it is HARD to let it go. I can seriously hold a grudge!! But today we talked about just letting things go and doing what we need to do to "get over ourselves". At first I thought, this is crazy and a waste of my time, but as our administrative dean kept talking, I thought, "dang, she is making sense and is up there, brave enough to say what I am thinking about my classroom, students, how I feel.

So, thanks God for putting message this in my path. Keep it up, big guy!!!