Friday, November 28, 2008


We had a great Thanksgiving this year and have lots to be thankful for. At my mother-in-law's house, Shaun's Aunt Joanie and Uncle Sonnie came down from PA. Turkey, stuffing, perogi's, ham, sweet potatoes and green bean casserole. ALL YUMMY! Then off to Kelli's for my families Thanksgiving. Chicken n Dumplings, turkey dressing, shuck beans, rolls, mashed potatoes/gravy and Aunt Sue's famous salad (Ok, probably only famous in our family but we LOVE it). I'M SOOOOOO STUFFED but it was nice. Now, tonight we are back at my in laws for left overs (probably for the whole weekend). I will need to get on the treadmill and do lots of sit ups after this weekend.

Samuel is wanting to go shopping today and I just may be crazy enough to take him out; that is, if we can find any place to park anywhere in Lexington.

Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A busy Thanksgiving

We have a busy couple of days ahead of us this holiday weekend. Shaun's Aunt Joanie and Uncle Sonnie are coming down for Thanksgiving. They will be here tomorrow (Wednesday). We haven't seen them since last year. The kids are really excited about their visit. We will be having dinner at Grammy's house on Wednesday, lunch at Grammy's AND dinner at my sisters on Thursday and dinner at Grammy's again on Friday. Whew, I can feel the pounds piling on as I type. I will definitely need to hop on the treadmill this weekend. This will be our first holiday to deal with Harrison's tree nut allergy. I will have to ask about everything that is brought to eat since EVERYONE is bringing a dish. Not fun to swell up and go to the hospital on Thanksgiving weekend. I'm sure everything will be fine, just want to be extra careful. HAPPY TURKEY DAY EVERYONE!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hey, yeah, great!

You know who I'm talking about. Tomorrow is dad's birthday. Harrison and Samuel are distressed that we can't be there with cake in hand to sing at the top of our lungs. I told them we could go shopping for him on Friday (just no time during the school week) and take him a cake on Sunday but they just heard shopping and cake and wanted it right now. Samuel was all for shopping for dad. Of course shopping to Samuel means "buy me something" in his mind. It should be interesting to see what they want to get him. What do you get the man? No more socks and shirts!!! We gotta think of something GREAT to surprise him (because he will be expecting socks and a shirt).