Saturday, March 9, 2013

What was I thinking?

How does cleaning my child's room, become completely rearranging all the furniture?  Then, how does rearranging the furniture suddenly become painting the room?  I got a "bug in my bonnet" last night and decided to do all of this.

I was at Lowe's at 7:30 last night picking out paint colors.  I usually agonize about what color to paint but I didn't this time.  I did have a few seconds of anxiety of "what if I buy 2 gallons of paint and then HATE the color.  I mean, I was choosing a tan color and we all know that tan can sometimes come out like baby poop color.  I have the 3 tan walls done.  I did them last night (getting finished at midnight).  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THE COLOR!!!  It makes his room nice and warm.  So super cozy.  He has one wall that is paneling so we are doing that wall in kind of a blue jean color to match his Tommy Hill-finger (haha, that makes me laugh and I may or may not be able to spell his last name) quilt.

I also found (really stole from Shaun's office) a table from the basement that we are going to paint today too if we have time.  It will be perfect for his hermit crab aquarium to sit on. Not sure of the color for that one though.  Maybe a red or green since his quilt has those colors too. 

As for the walls, I think we are going to pull pictures out of his art portfolios to hang in his room.  He has saved pictures, drawing, painting, sketches for years.  These will be so cure hanging on his wall to showcase his artwork.  I'm hoping to have all the painting done today, all the furniture put back in place and all the mess out of his room and either in the trash or gone to Goodwill by the end of the day.

Tomorrow... sleep, do lesson plans for my professors observation, study for comps and pack for a 3 day conference on vision impairments on the other side of the state.  I'm pooped just thinking about it.

(Posting pictures of his completed room once everything is done).

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