Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Things I Learned While Going Back to Grad School

Since I have been here in Kalamazoo, I have made some observations I thought I would share with you all.

1. I always either gravitate, or attract, people with my same sense of humor. I am so thankful I have met a few people up here who share my sense of sarcasm but who want to be good students at the same time. I laugh and say we are the slackers but that is really not true at all. I like to think we are the "cool kids".

2. There is such a thing as a stupid question! As a teacher, we are always saying there are no stupid questions and I really used to believe that....until I came back to school. I have heard the most stupid questions asked in some of my classes that I honestly don't know how some of these people made it this far. If the teachers says that something is going to be on the test immediately, there are at least 2-3 hands up in the air asking "Um, so are you saying that this will be on the test" followed by "what did you say is going to be on the test". When she explains again, inevitably, there are more hands asking more questions about what the professor just explained 2 times. Frustrating!

3. Not everyone knows the basics of how to use a computer. During the 2nd week of classes, someone asked what the "tab" key was for and I almost lost it. Seriously?

4. Some girls are the exact same as when they were in high school and seem to be proud of it. When you are 28 years old, you should not be getting trashed, screaming out the windows of a vehicle at strangers and yelling obscenities at people. I did not witness this but heard all about it. Come on... you are almost 30. Be a classy drinker!!

5. I STILL hate group projects. I hate them, hate them, hate them. Someone always is a slacker in the group and I end up having to pick up the slack. Why can't I be the slacker!?!? People, we are in graduate school. Step it up!!

6. Backstabbing still exists. Glad I'm not friends with this chick but I feel bad for the person she is stabbing in the back.

7. Some people like to pretend they are dumb. This one confuses me. Who wants to act like an airhead?

Enough of the rampage. Back to picking up the slack on the group project. Sarcasm is on full force!

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