I know I have not blogged in quite some time. I just let myself get too bogged down with school, work, home, etc. I promise to be better with blogging. I mean, we all know I have a lot to say so I might as well say it here!!
School started in August and we have been so busy I can't believe I am keeping up with everything. Harrison just started 6th grade and is middle school in the Spanish Immersion program. He is on the other side of town but can walk to his dad's school, if needed, after school. He is in the fitness club this year. They meet 3 days a week and work on being healthier. Right now they are running. He loves running so this is right up his alley. He wants to try out for the basketball team so this is a good way to get ready for all the running he will do on the basketball court. Of course, he is also in the band and plays trumpet just like his daddy. Shaun found out he was first chair trumpet so we are very proud of him. Now, if only we could get him to practice more.
Samuel is in 4th grade at my school and doing well also. Of course, he would love school so much more if it didn't involve work! He wants to play basketball too so I just signed him up through the local YMCA. He can't wait!! I used to be a soccer mom and now I'm becoming a basketball mom. Samuel still loves, Loves, LOVES art. He counts down the days until he has art as his special class. Even right now, as I type, he is drawing. I wish I could get him to paint more but he loves drawing. He wants to be in band too and play the french horn but band doesn't start until 5th grade so he will have to wait one more year.
As for me, I am busy with work, helping with homework (both in English and Spanish) and now I'm serving as a KTIP resource teacher for a first year teacher. What was I thinking?? It would be so much easier if she and I taught at schools that are close together but NOOOOO, her school is downtown. It took me about 25 minutes to get there the other day. I am excited about helping a first year teacher though. It will make me look at my own classroom practices and be a better teacher.
Between work and home, there isn't a lot of time for relaxation. I decided I needed to do something fun just for me so I'm starting piano again! I am so excited about it. I took piano lessons for a few years when I was younger so I know quite a bit about playing the piano already. I was always better at playing once I heard what the song was supposed to sound like so I found a book that came with a CD. I can't wait to get started. I'm doing this "self study" right now. Wish me luck!!!