Saturday, October 25, 2008

All I want for Christmas.....

My baby has finally done it. He has lost his 2 front teeth just 3 days apart. On Thursday night we pulled the first one and on Sunday we pulled the other one. The one on Sunday was definitely more traumatic for us all. It was just hanging there and he could even twist it sideways but it just wouldn't budge. We all had a turn trying to pull that tooth. I was starting to get sick to my stomach from trying to pull it. NOT MY FAVORITE THING TO DO!!!!! Notice, I'm a teacher, not in the medical profession. Finally, just he and I went into the bathroom and I had him rinse his mouth a couple of times and relax. Then on the next attempt, POP, out it came. No muss, no fuss. He was so excited.

The tooth fairy has been really tricky at out house, too. She didn't get to our house with the first tooth until after he was awake and eating breakfast. She taped his money to the fridge and counter. He saw it after breakfast when he was walking through the kitchen to come upstairs. With the second tooth, she taped it to the wall by the stairs. That tooth fairy is a slick chick, that is for sure. You never know what she will do next. :)

I tried to get him to sing "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" but he was not having any of that. He does say that it is difficult saying his /S/. He says they sound funny. I love it. My baby is growing up.

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